How to Get a No-Makeup Makeup Look

Most of the time, makeup is put on to make ourselves look very different from our bare selves. Countless minutes and resources are spent trying to transform ourselves into more glamorous versions of ourselves. In recent times, however, one makeup look that has really gained traction is the no-makeup makeup look. So, what is the no-makeup makeup? This is the concept of applying makeup in such a way that the final product is extremely natural-looking, to the point that whether or not we are wearing makeup is up for debate. It is designed to be as close to our natural faces as possible. So, how do you get the no-makeup makeup look? A few steps are below:
1. Foundation: Nothing gives away the effort put into a makeup look quite like foundation.. Before the foundation is applied, your face should be washed and moisturized. A light layer of primer should be applied before the actual foundation comes on. When it is time for the foundation, a thin layer of foundation should be applied (heavily layered foundation kills the look before it starts). The foundation should be just enough that there is a noticeable improvement in facial appearance, but not caked in any way. Light powder should be applied afterward.
2. Concealer: The next step is the application of concealer. Regardless of the natural look, you’re going for, it is still important to conceal any blemishes on the face as well as covering any shadows under the eye. We’re going for natural-looking and not tired-looking. Concealer should be applied lightly with a concealer brush for blemishes on the face and lightly with the fingers under the eyes. To prevent any oily patches, finish off the concealed areas with light face powder.
3. Eyeshadow: Some people choose not to apply any eyeshadow with the nomakeup look, rather they simply apply foundation over their eyelids with the rest of the face. However, if you choose to apply eyeshadow with the look, it is important that you choose your colors carefully. A light layer of primer should be used beforehand. The eyeshadow shade used should be the shade most indistinguishable from your skin tone. This way, when the eyeshadow is applied, it subtly draws attention to your eyes but doesn’t give itself away
4. Eyelashes: Well-done eyelashes are a trait of any good no-makeup look in that they convince the observer of the natural quality of the look: they look good enough to catch the eyes but are not obviously made-up. While it isn’t for everyone, false lashes can become the focal point of the face and draw in the eyes of the observer. It is advised to curl the lashes while attempting this look. Because it is a simple look, the enhance lashes help to give it a bit of flare. While applying mascara, it is important (as with everything else) to apply it sparingly and carefully. Apply mascara that is the color of your natural lash hair.
5. Brows: This is one aspect that often ruins the nomakeup look. Everything else can look amazing and natural, but if the eyebrows are too obviously drawn on, the whole concept falls flat. The brows for this look have to be as basic as possible. Fill in the spaces within the brows very lightly with a pencil or gel, being careful not to overdo it. Conceal or tint very lightly. When done, the brows ought to look realistic enough that you woke up with them in that state.
6. Lips: The finishing touch to the look is the lips. Depending on your preferences, you can use your perfect match nude shade or go a shade higher if you’d like to make them pop. Whether matte or gloss, a reasonable amount should be applied (try to avoid overlining the lips).
The nomakeup makeup look can indeed be tricky. Some would argue that it is trickier than regular makeup looks. But with the right tools and guidance, you too can be on your way to rocking the look!