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One of the most special times in a man’s life is when he takes the leap and decide to propose to his girlfriend. The amount of excitement and anxiety hanging in the air around that time when he decides to take this huge step, can sometimes cause people the strongest man to feel faint. But even with the rush of emotions that will most certainly occur, hundreds of thousands of men move forward every year towards the most beautiful union that two people can make. Preparing to ask your girlfriend

In the event you think your boyfriend may be proposing to you, do you have an idea of what your answer will be? For many women in this position, the answers more times than not will be yes. Stop for a moment and think about if you are ready to become engaged. Is it something you’ve been dreaming of? Will you start planning a wedding once he pops the question and you answer yes? Do you want an engagement party after you have your ring? As you can see, there

If any of you ladies are getting married then you will no doubt have one eye on the bachelorette party, and the celebration of your last days of freedom. Over the years, it was the men who held the crazy and eccentric events for their bachelor parties, but now us ladies are really upping our game. In my experience, the best thing to do for a party like this is to get away from it all and let your hair down. If you plan on taking a trip away to